10 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring a Tree Service - Clean Cut Tree & Landscape

10 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring a Tree Service

Man in orange safety vest chainsawing a tree trunk vertically

10 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring a Tree Service

So you want to hire a tree service to get rid of the old or unruly tree or trees from your property? We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 things you need to know before hiring a tree service, because when it comes to tree removal and tree care, the job shouldn’t be taken lightly. Removing a tree from your property is dangerous if you’re not sure what you’re getting into.

  1. Make sure the tree service company has updated and valid liability insurance, and that they not only have it, but display it in a conspicuous place. A good tree service company will readily give you a copy of their liability insurance if you ask for it. This is extremely important! Accidents can happen – not only to your property, but to people. We have liability insurance at Clean Cut Tree, and you can print & download a copy of our liability insurance here if you’d like.
  2. Make sure the tree service has the proper credentials. They should be ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) certified arborists, which includes  a minimum of three years full-time experience working in the professional tree care industry and passing an extensive exam that covers all fronts of arboriculture. (We are ISA certified. Click here for more information.)
  3. Make sure the tree care professionals can provide a list of satisfied customers as references. (Call us and we can give those to you!)
  4. Make sure they can give you an estimate of the work that will be performed. (We can do this, too.)
  5. Verify that they can give you a solid time frame of when the work will be done. (We’ll let you know how long it’ll take.)
  6. Make sure that the company is professional, and is known for doing good, hard and honest work.
  7. Make sure that they use the proper equipment when on the job. And that they make use of protective equipment and protective measures.
  8. Does the company seem to care about customer satisfaction and loyalty?
  9. Do they use spikes to climb the trees when pruning and taking care of them? (The spikes are NOT good for trees. We’d never do this.)
  10. Finally, is the tree removal & care company willing to work with you to reach your individual needs?

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