Ash Tree Removal - Clean Cut Tree & Landscape

Ash Tree Removal

Close-up of an emerald ash borer

Ash Tree Removal

What You Need to Know About the Emerald Ash Borer Relating to Ash Trees

Incidences of emerald ash borer relating to ash trees in North America are on the rise. This non-native exotic beetle is native to Asia, and is believed to have been unknowingly carried to North America on cargo ships and airplanes. Since first being spotted near Detroit in 2002, this pest has killed tens of millions of ash trees in Michigan, alone. For dead or dying trees, sadly, tree removal or letting trees rot are the only options. More than 20 states and Canadian provinces have lost hundreds of millions more ash trees to this pest. Ohio is one of the hardest-hit states. While adult emerald ash borers are relatively harmless, their larvae are lethal to ash trees. They feed on ash trees’ inner bark preventing them from transporting water and nutrients.

What’s Being Done to Protect Ash Trees?

Affected U.S. states and Canadian provinces have launched a cooperative public relations effort to educate the public about the emerald ash borer. The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the regulatory agencies of many affected states, including Ohio, also have imposed strict quarantines of infected ash trees designed to curb spread of the pest.

Symptoms of an Affected Ash Trees

The symptoms of emerald ash borer relating to ash trees include: Dead branches appearing throughout the canopy, beginning at the top; vertical splitting of the tree’s bark; increased woodpecker feeding (woodpeckers eat emerald ash borer larvae; and “S-” and “D-“ shaped holes and galleries created as the bugs feed.

Options for Handling Affected Trees

Homeowners who suspect that their ash trees are dead or dying as a result of the emerald ash borer have two options: tree removal or letting dead trees remain standing. We hope that your family never experiences the devastation of the emerald ash borer. If you do, we at Clean Cut Tree & Landscaping specialize in safe tree-removal, stump grinding, and tree replanting. If you are worried about your ash trees or need to have one cut down, call our team of certified arborists today at (513) 769-8733.

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